As a small business owner, you need to be on top of your finances at all times. Even if your business is healthy and doing well, it’s imperative that you always understand where money is coming in and where it’s going. Unfortunately, in some cases, you may be waiting for payments from clients and customers, which can put you in a financial bind.  Today we want to talk about managing your cash flow through Factoring. If you’re not familiar with this service, it may provide better financial stability than going through traditional lenders like a bank. Overall, we want to take a look at how Factoring can help and whether it’s right for you.    What is Factoring? Depending on the kind of business...

As a business, you need to make sure that you have all of your finances in pristine condition at all times. If money isn’t coming in to cover expenses like utilities and payroll, you could be in big trouble.  Overall, it’s ideal for companies to have flexibility when figuring out their financial situation. If you always find yourself strapped for cash, then it could limit your ability to thrive and succeed into the future.  At first, most small businesses will try to add flexibility by taking out loans or opening lines of credit. While these methods can assist in some situations, the downside is that you have to pay interest fees, which can add up quickly. Instead, you may want to try...

When it comes to your business, you want to grow and thrive as much as possible. However, expansion can require additional capital, whether it’s moving into a bigger facility, hiring new employees, or buying more assets for your company.  In many cases, business owners believe that the only way to secure funding for these initiatives is by obtaining a bank loan. However, the downside of this process is that it can hurt your credit rating, as well as add more debt to your plate. If you already have obligations you need to pay off, going this route can be more of a burden than anything.  Fortunately, there is another way. Today we want to talk about how factoring can help you avoid...